Evaluating Life in Light of Scripture

By Mark Cotterman, Head of School
May 31, 2019

When the Mars Hill Academy sixth grade students toured the Ohio Statehouse this spring, a guide explained how a bill becomes a law.

"What is a law you would like to see?" she asked the students.

Hands shot up enthusiastically, and the guide called on the nearby redhead. "For abortion to be illegal," she said matter-of-factly.

The guide was taken aback; this wasn't the type of question most sixth grade students asked. In fact, the guide opted for a "less controversial" example – whether children should have school – to explain the process.

When sixth-grade teacher Mrs. Tricia Hicks shared this story with faculty and staff, we were encouraged by the reminder of why MHA's mission and vision are so important. Here a young student was evaluating her experience in the light of the Scriptures and recognizing a cultural influence that is distinct from biblical. The MHA vision says, "we aim to find (our students) well prepared in all situations, possessing both knowledge and wisdom to know how to use it... We desire that they have a heart for the lost and the courage to seek to dissuade those who are stumbling towards destruction..."

In this one isolated moment, we can see the seed planted, ready to be nurtured next year as this student begins the Logic phase in seventh grade – this is the heart of a classical, Christian MHA education! This is what excites me about the Kingdom work taking place within our walls each day. Our faculty and staff have the privilege of partnering with you during an important time in your children's development. Thank you for letting us be a part of what God is doing in the lives of your families.

I intentionally haven't named this Grammar School student, because our hope and prayer is that she is just one example of what happens regularly among our students. Although her bold proclamation was a shock to the statehouse guide, it isn't so unusual among Mars Hill Academy students and alumni. It's in the moments outside the classroom – playing with neighbors, hanging out with friends from youth group, interacting with family members, going to a job, or worshipping in church – that we rejoice at the work God is doing in the lives of our students.