Cultivating the Next Generation for Christ

At Mars Hill Academy, education formation begins with the end in mind. Every interaction – in the classroom, on the playground, during a game, or on the stage – is an opportunity to cultivate each student’s mind and soul. A Mars Hill education is about transforming the lives of our students with the view of who they will become and how they can actively advance the Kingdom of Christ.

It’s true: Mars Hill graduates are successful in their careers as physicists, teachers, doctors, engineers, social workers. But the real measure of success is in how they pursue God’s call in their lives. Our alumni are serving in their local congregations and on the mission field, raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and steadfastly holding and sharing their Christian faith.

The Good Soil report released in 2020 confirmed what Mars Hill has long known to be true: the classical, Christian method has a track record that is unmatched by any other type of education.   Our graduates have a deep understanding of their world; the ability to discern truth, beauty, and goodness; and the skills to think, learn, and influence the world for the glory of God. Learn more about The Good Soil report.

  • Prepared for College and Careers
  • Positive Life Outlook
  • Christian Practices
  • Christian Life
  • Traditional and Conservative
  • Independent Thinkers
  • Influencers

While Mars Hill Academy is on a mission to transform lives for the Kingdom of Christ, a side benefit of the classical method is academic and career preparedness. Our graduates are well prepared for any future endeavor and excel in the classroom and the workplace. 


Mars Hill aims to cultivate students of virtue with rightly ordered affections. Our alumni feel a sense of purpose and calling from God. Graduates from the classical, Christian tradition are enjoying life with a depth and understanding that is unmatched, and much is due to the school they attended. 

When it comes to Christian Commitment, classical, Christian alumni are more likely to pursue jobs that fulfill their callings, attend church regularly, volunteer, and read the Bible. 

Classical, Christian alumni live out their faith more boldly within their churches, homes, marriages, and communities. They actively integrate Christian practices into their everyday lives. 

At Mars Hill Academy, we teach our students to believe the Bible is an infallible guide for personal faith and behavior and believe in its inerrancy.

Mars Hill Academy students are trained to evaluate all knowledge and experience in the light of Scriptures. They think clearly, listen well, and reason persuasively. Our graduates are engaging the world while still retaining their orthodoxy. 

Classical, Christian alumni feel empowered to impact their communities through their time and treasure. They are successful with engaging and influencing the culture around them. They believe in speaking out against injustices and serving within their communities.