Mrs. Joy Shehane

Grammar School Art & Advancement Support

Mrs. Joy Shehane combines her experiences as a trained artist, graphic designer, and event planner in her roles as the Grammar School Art Teacher and Advancement Support Coordinator. 

An advocate for people exploring their gifts of creativity as those created in the image of God, Joy is excited to introduce the youngest Highlanders to the delight and discipline of worshiping God and knowing Him better as they learn the practice of making art. Joy has been amazed to also see God's hand in her work-life experiences prepare her for serving Mars Hill Academy's Advancement Team. She's excited to devote her energy towards advancing the excellent mission of Classical Christian Education.

Joy attended the School of Visual Arts in NYC and graduated with a BFA in Illustration. She has worked as a graphic designer for Cru ministries and Mississippi State University, as well as providing graphic design support for her most recent employer, Wealthquest, where she also served as an event coordinator and administrative administrator.

When she's not flinging paint with children, you might find Joy curled up with a good book and a cup of tea or spending time with her family.