Miss Julianne Kidd


Julianne Kidd, who grew up learning to wonder at the love and goodness of God, shares that passion with her Latin students. She was homeschooled using the classical method and quickly grew to love learning about the good, true, and beautiful and how they depict the abundant glory of our Lord. Through her studies in the Classical Liberal Arts and music at Patrick Henry College, Julianne enjoyed exploring the many areas which point to God's majesty and sovereignty. She helped found a classical liberal arts academic journal, Aletheia, and worked as an assistant editor. During her senior year, Julianne interned at Loudoun Classical School, where she taught Latin III to high school students. Julianne, whose father Tom taught during MHA's early years, looks forward to encouraging her students to love and serve the Lord as they embark on a lifelong journey of learning.