Harmonies of Faith and Music: Meet Mr. Dustin Battles

The life of Mars Hill Academy's newest choir teacher, Dustin Battles, is steeped in the harmonies of faith and music. A graduate of Bob Jones University with a degree in Pastoral studies, a music minor in trombone, and two seminary degrees, Dustin's choral odyssey has traversed the sacred landscapes of chamber singers and professional ensembles. He sang in the BJU Chorale for six years and the Chamber Singers for four years and recorded four professional choral albums with the BJU Singers and Orchestra.  

In music classes during college, he met his wife Megan, who is an accomplished accompanist in higher education and at their local church. Alongside Megan and their two sons Clark and Jonah, Dustin's passion for conducting and coaching singers took root during his time directing a church choir in Pennsylvania, ultimately leading him to the Vocal Arts Ensemble in 2016 upon his relocation to Cincinnati.  

Currently serving as the full-time pastor at Mercy Baptist Church, Dustin's multifaceted role extends to nurturing the musical talents of Mars Hill seventh and eighth grade students, directing the MHA Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, and publishing hymns for the church.  

Learn more about Mr. Battles in this Q&A, as we delve into Dustin's experiences, challenges faced, and the unwavering motivation rooted in faithfulness to the Lord.  

Q: What are you working on with the students in your choirs? 

A: I am working with seventh and eighth grade students in general music theory and concert preparation. We also cover some music history and prepare for high school choir. In the high school, we hone their singing skills and deepen their love for music. I’ve also implemented a new electronic resource that helps students learn sight-reading.  

Q: What have been some challenges with transitioning to the classroom? 

A: The speed in a school community is really rapid. There are times when I don’t get to finesse things as much as I would like to, and just have to try things on the job. However, the co-workers God sent me have been an absolute blessing. They are not only professional, but also exhibit kindness and care. The students are also great. I love seeing the lightbulb turn on as they learn and understand new concepts.  

Q: What motivates you?  

A: The ultimate motivation has to be faithfulness to the Lord: “Live for Jesus, who died for me.” If you are waiting to get compliments or pats on the back, you will never feel satisfied.  

Q: What’s the most meaningful encouragement someone could give you?  

A: I always appreciate a genuine thank you or a handwritten note of encouragement.  

Q: How do you spend your time outside the classroom?  

A: I serve as the full-time pastor at Mercy Baptist Church, where I have seen God do wonderful work in the health and vitality of the church. I also enjoy writing songs and hymns and spiritual songs for the church.  

Q: Throughout life, what or who has continually kept you on course or grown you? 

A: People are first and foremost. At every stage in my life I’ve had a good pastor who has shepherded me. As helpful as pastors are, parents are on the front line in a different sense. My parents have been instrumental in life, walking with the Lord for many decades. The Puritan writers have also truly formed me more than I can say, and I particularly love The Valley of Vision.