Registration Now Open!
WHAT: A practical training intensive for all who desire to acquire or improve their skills as classical and Christian educators and administrators. Led by Mars Hill Academy teachers and administrators, attendees will delve into the classic methodology and leave prepared to meet the challenges of the upcoming school year.
WHO: Current CCE teachers, college students, MHA parents, and anyone wanting to learn more about classical, Christian education are invited to attend.
WHEN: July 15-18; Tuesday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 3:50 p.m., Optional evening session, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Friday, 8 - 11 a.m.
WHERE: Mars Hill Academy, 4230 Aero Drive, Mason, OH
Mars Hill Academy is conveniently located in Mason, Ohio with quick access to I-71 and I-75 and both the Cincinnati and Dayton airports.
Mars Hill has reserved rooms at Courtyard Cincinnati Mason. To take advantage of the discount rate of $149 per night, book your room by June 22 online or by calling 513-770-0771 and mention Mars Hill Academy Group Block.
Early Bird Price through June 1: $325 p/p; four or more/school: $300 p/p
Regular Price: $375 p/p; four or more/school: $350 p/p
Optional three-day evening classes: $60 each p/p additional
Plenary Sessions
- Classical Christian Education: What's It All About?
- Male and Female He Created Them: Teaching Boys and Girls in Today's Culture
- Seven Laws of Teaching: Practically Speaking
- The Gospel and Grades
- The Heart of the Matter
Breakout Sessions
- Are You a Conductor or a Performer? What We Look for in Effective Lessons
- Astronomy: The Capstone of the Quadrivium
- Beyond the Essay: How to Measure Understanding at the Dialectic Level
- Building an Engaging Science Curriculum
- Connective Community & Parent Teacher Partnerships
- Creating Joy and Connection in Your School
- Decorating Do’s and Don’ts
- Developing a Personalized Classroom Management Plan
- Evil: A Problem in Every Worldview
- Every Room’s a Stage
- Filling the Unforgiving Class Period with 50 Minutes Worth of Distance Run
- First Two Weeks of Upper School
- For the Love of Grammar
- From the Outside in: Transitioning to CCE from the “Other Side of the Fence”
- Getting to the Heart of Classroom Behavior (Grammar)
- How to Read Latin or Greek like a Roman
- How to Teach the Bible Without Spoiling It!
- Imperative of Beauty
- Laying a Foundation for Practical Perfection: Insisting That It is Done Correctly in the First Two Weeks
- Learning & Loving Latin (or any other subject!)
- Latin for non-Latin Teachers
- Lesson Planning: Applying the Seven Laws
- No Child Left Inside: Getting a Grand Tour Off the Ground at Your School
- Nuts & Bolts: The Tactical and the Practical
- Phonics Instruction: Developing a Love for Reading from the Start
- Shepherding Hearts: Grammar and Upper School
- STEM: A High and Humble Calling; Three-Part Series (Worldview Foundations, Science, Math)
- Teaching Biblical Hermeneutics as a Historical Journey
- Teaching Classical Languages to an Academically Diverse Classroom
- Teaching from a Cart: How to Maintain Your Supplies and Your Sanity
- Using Integrated Themes in the Grammar Classroom
- Why Humans Need Humanities
Why Choose MHA for Your Teacher Training?
Years First in the Nation on Classic Learning Test
Teacher Leaders with Advanced Degrees
MHA's Years of Equipping Students with the Tools of Learning
Instructors’ Combined Years of Classical, Christian Education Experience
Meet Our Summer Training Team
Lindsay Atkinson
Kindergarten teacher Lindsay Atkinson knew from an early age she wanted to teach. She pursued that passion, earning both her B.S. and Master’s in Elementary Education. Her background includes teaching in public and private schools — the past four years at Mars Hill in a Classical Christian setting. She considers it a unique privilege to partner with parents to help point their kindergarten students to the worthy goals of living lives of truth, beauty, and goodness as they strive to honor the Lord in all they do. She loves teaching children and coming alongside their parents.

Lisa Cunningham
After her time at Tennessee Temple studying music, Mrs. Lisa Cunningham turned to education at Shreveport Baptist University. Her favorite graduate classes at the University of Houston and Miami University were about children's literature. She now loves to incorporate music and stories into all her fourth grade classes. She is passionate about teaching children about God's word, His world, and the words we all use whether they are in English or in Latin.
Dr. Christopher Jero
Dr. Christopher Jero is a former violinist to whom God gave a passion for making Him known through the Holy Scriptures. Believing that there is no more intimate way of communing with God in Scripture than through the original languages, Dr. Jero pursued an M.A. in Old Testament and a Ph.D. in Hebrew and Cognate Studies. He seeks to be an instrument by which God inspires the same passion in his students as he teaches Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Biblical Hermeneutics, Greek, and Hebrew.

Dr. Laura Lucas
After working for more than 12 years in the consumer products and flavor development industries as a Ph.D. research chemist, Dr. Laura Lucas transitioned to the classroom to fulfill God’s calling on her life. She has taught general science in grades 3-6, high school chemistry, and coached the Science Olympiad teams during her 8 years at Mars Hill. Her classroom goals are to impart lifelong wonder, shape young minds to embrace the creative, orderly, and intentional design of the world in which we live, and make science accessible for all.

Mike McKenna
Mike McKenna was drawn to classical and Christian education from a nagging sense that something was missing. After earning his B.A. in Music Education and his M.A. in Christian School Administration, Mike served as headmaster of Christian schools for more than a decade. However, he felt that prayer, Bible class, and chapel weren't sufficient when it came to educating our children for Christ. Once he attended a seminar by Dr. George Grant on classical Christian education, he realized that Christian education was meant to be about becoming fully human in Christ. Mike has been headmaster of classical and Christian schools since 2000, and he has been headmaster of Mars Hill Academy since 2020.

Kayla Pollock
Mrs. Kayla Pollock teaches Logic and Rhetoric math and is passionate about displaying God’s truth, goodness, and beauty through His creation and mathematics. She earned degrees in both math and education from Butler University, then went on to earn a master's degree from American College of Education. Mrs. Pollock has had a call on her life to teach math since before fifth grade and has come to love and champion the Classical Christian model. Her love for mathematics is contagious as she shows her students how it reveals God's sovereignty, His creating and sustaining all things, and His faithfulness towards us to help us "think His thoughts after Him."

Andrew Stapleton
Andrew Stapleton devotes his time at MHA to discipling Logic and Rhetoric School students toward learning truth, living goodness, and loving beauty. He teaches in the areas of Literature, Humanities, and Theology; he also coaches the Varsity Soccer and Worldview Summit Student Leadership teams. He holds a B.A. in History and Christian Thought and an M. Div.
Abby Taylor
Once experienced first grade teacher Mrs. Abby Taylor discovered classical education, she never looked back. She blends her training in education with a classical and Christian approach to give students a solid foundation for learning all subjects. Her joy in teaching is watching first graders grow in their knowledge and understanding of God. She loves seeing firsthand the children delight in learning new things about God’s world. She loves to collaborate with others to discover and implement new ideas and develop school community.

James Waldy
James Waldy is a lifelong educator who has been involved in classical education for nearly 40 years. He holds a B.A. in Elementary Education, an M.A. in Educational Administration, and an Ed.S. in Educational Administration. He has taught at every K–12 grade level and has served as either dean of faculty or principal in 28 of his 40 years in education. James serves Mars Hill Academy as the grammar school principal, dean of faculty, and astronomy teacher. Beyond the classroom he enjoys helping students develop varied interests in everything from archery and playing chess to throwing pottery and creating stained glass.

Natalie Walls
Drawing from her eleven years of experiences as a second-grade classical, Christian educator, Mrs. Walls brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to integrating faith and education. Building on her own personal experience with dyslexia and learning, she understands the importance of a solid foundation of spelling and reading. Her training in education at Michigan State University (B.A.) and University of Cincinnati (Master's) fueled her passion for teaching and love for seeing children grow in knowledge and wisdom of the Lord.

Kathryn Wheeler
A lifelong lover of literature, Mrs. Kathryn Wheeler is thrilled to teach third graders at Mars Hill to love good books. With an M.A. in English from the University of Charleston, Mrs. Wheeler has taught literature and composition to many ages, from the university level to the elementary level. She adores the creativity and enthusiasm of her third grade students. She particularly loves teaching at Mars Hill because of the collective effort among the teachers to disciple the heart of every student.
What Attendees are Saying
"Well done, Mars Hill! I sense a genuine Christian presence here. Thank you for doing all the hard work to make this week a possibility for other schools."
"This event was done beautifully. I am richly blessed by the knowledge and wisdom gleaned by such seasoned educators. May God receive all the glory!"
"To assemble this high level of quality speakers from one school is highly impressive. You are attracting and developing extraordinary teachers."
"The speakers were very focused and helpful. I so appreciate the kindness and generosity of your staff in sharing both knowledge and resources."
"It was hard to decide which sessions to skip. They were all amazing, and I wanted to attend all of them."
"In addition to being extremely informative, this training was upbeat, encouraging, inspiring, and well run."